Test reports

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Test reports




GMA is a company for mineral oil analytics and quality management, domiciled in Frankfurt a.M. who, commissioned by the company Foerg, drew up different test reports on SSL SpritSaveLiquid in 2008. The GMA business activities cover quality audits of fossil and biogenic fuel and counselling in questions of application techniques. Another focus of their services is counselling regarding additives for fuels as well as drawing up and dispatching security datasheets for fuels.

[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]  GMA-Prüfbericht Benzin
[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]  GMA-Prüfbericht Diesel


Steinbeis Transfer Centre

Due to their broad scientific, theoretic and practise oriented expertise, the Steinbeis Transfer Centre can attend to questions regarding almost all technological areas at the highest level. Our SSLSpritSaveLiquid was tested at the engine test station of this institute.

[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]  Steinbeis, Bericht Seite 1
[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]  Steinbeis, Bericht Seite 2




As an independent, neutral third party, based on legal specifications and other relevant scales of performance and standards, SGS TÜV Saar examines and certifies products, raw material, equipment, processes and management systems as well as services. The SGS Group, globally leading in the field of examining, testing, verifying and certifying, was founded 1878 and today, headquartered in Geneva, sets standards recognised worldwide.

[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]  SGS_ENG_Anschreiben
[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]
[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]  SGS_ENG_Gasoline_Additive_Mixture
[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]  SGS_ENG_Diesel_Additive_Mixture

All reports, articles and studies have been released by courtesy of these institutes only for this website. Further publication is prohibited.