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Field Evidence/Tests

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Field Evidence/Tests




The company tradetec GmbH is an independent enterprise active in the area of transport and logistics. Technology is one of several sectors where tradetec as a service provider has been dealing with the subject matter of scientific fuel analyses in practise for years.

It is their objective to carry out quantification and validation of all data collected during tests to be able to come to a valid statement regarding fuel saving. During this test phase, the consumption trend is being documented, taking into account all relevant influencing values.

Based on their experience in methods and their holistic scientific view tradetec secures authoritative results. If necessary, additional project partners such as universities or test organisations can be called in.

Cooperation Partner


If there are questions or individual counselling needed, we are at your disposal. 

[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“] tradetec_Projektbeschreibung
[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]
 Endbericht Italienpruefbericht_dfg_energie



DFG Energie

DFG Energie is a German institute which concentrates on the subject “energy“ as one of the essential challenges of the future.

Eco counselling provided by DFG Energie includes analyses, individually adapted to the requirements of the particular customer and hands-on training sessions. By means of most recent technology – in the logistics area for instance by using telematics systems – running and consumption data are collected, scientifically  analysed and a course of action for an optimal energy and fuel management is recommended.

In October 2010, a quantification of the reduction potential in fuel consumption of a HGV fleet using SpritSaveLiquid was carried out.

[velocityicon icon=’icon-up-hand‘ size=’15px‘ class=“]  DFGE – Analyse Kraftstoffverbrauchsdaten (Flotte und Einzel-LKW), Oktober 2010

All reports, articles and studies have been released by courtesy of these institutes only for this website. Further publication is prohibited.